Bourbon Street Blues - Arr. Jennifer Barnes

Bourbon Street Blues - Level 3 (SATB or SAA with Rhythm Section)
This fun, wordless, minor blues composition was commissioned in 2019 by the Jazz Education Network to be an accessible vehicle for exploring bebop style and improvisation. The "friendly" chord progression invites improvisers of all levels to jump in and experiment, and the short form divides nicely for 4-bar trading. After solos, there's a brief ensemble soli section before a D.S. Moderate vocal ranges allow for many different levels of ensembles to tackle this fun, stretchable (or compressible!) bebop vehicle. Available in SATB and SAA voicings. (Perusal video for the chart below and on YouTube.)

$75 for a Digital Download PDF containing Director's Score, Vocal, Piano (notated AND slash/chord change parts are both provided), Bass, and Drum parts.